Wonderful Copenhagen!

So - I’ve relocated…. Whilst I’m sad to leave behind my yoga family back in the UK - Leeds, London and Manchester - this is the beginning of a great new adventure, and Copenhagen is BUZZING with studios!

To begin with, I’m teaching at the phenomenal Yoga Flat studio. Such an eclectic group of people teach here, with all wonder of experience and knowledge. I’m so proud to be asked to be part of their team! I’ll be teaching Mixed Level and Intermediate classes. The studio doesn’t label classes with a fixed style, the beauty in this being that teachers can be creative and adventurous - I LOVE that.

I’m also teaching at Yum Yoga, which is a vegan cafe and studio at the lovely Teglholmen end of town, right by the water. Again I have a mix of classes on four days of the week; Hatha, Peaceful (Yin), and Vinyasa.

For more updates and things that you can join from the UK, check my workshops page where I’ll add new adventures and explorations.


Workshop at HéLT, Copenhagen

I've got the honour of heading to Copenhagen to teach at the amazing HéLT studio... It'll be a small but focused session, before brunch!

27 June 2017: YOGA FOR ALL // HéLT FLOW 1:

Work with floating transitions between yoga positions in conjunction with breathing, and a long meditation to close. More experienced students will have the opportunity to get deeper in their practice and improve technique & stamina.